Hey Awakening CEOs,
It’s ask Angels Tuesday!
I meditated listening to the Aura Brightener and the Crown Chakra Clearing meditation this morning – it was lovely as usual and gave me some new ideas and messages. Do you have time to join us and clear up your aura and crown chakra?
Now when we ask Angels for help, they really can move things along quite fast and yet, not all of us might be ready to receive that which we are asking for.
Last week I read for Nilgün as part of the MWA Live she signed up for (I’ll post the video below) and she was asking about finding a place to live and it had to be nice where she could do her coaching, meditating etc… I told her how to go about asking so she could attract it.
A few days later she found the place, it was exactly as I had described it, by the water, with a great view, lots of light, good neighborhood…etc.
Only a lot of negative self talk came up. Can I really do this? Can I afford it…
What if…
What if…
Did you ever have that happen? Where you ask for something but then you go into ‘freak out’ mode and then can’t make a decision?
This is how you can go about clearing the fear and pop back up into a more trusting, faithful place that’s much more intuitive:
Did you find this helpful? What was the thing you needed to clear the most?
Looking forward to your comments and yes! Share this with your friends if you hear them caught up in a cycle of “I don’t know” and what you feel they are in is fear.