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Healing of the Heart: Heart Chakra Activation

Writer's picture: Alixe K. TraceyAlixe K. Tracey

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New Dates for May 11 & 14 2014!

New Dates for August/September 2014

in Sedona, AZ

Do you struggle to concentrate during your meditations?

Do you need help listening to your heart’s guidance and hearing your soul’s calling?

Do you feel lost about your path and which way to go next?

Do you wish you could concentrate more easily on doing the work you love?

Do you mentally push yourself to concentrate out of fear you will be poor or lack safety if you don’t? Conscious Souls Welcome! This heart chakra activation is coming at a pivotal time in the history of our planet and of your life! This year marks the beginning of a new 14 year cycle through the 7 major chakras. Beginning with the root chakra in 2013 and moving up towards the crown chakra over the next 7 years. This heart chakra activation can set in motion new projects you feel passionate about that can take care of you and your family for generations. Allow the Angels and the loving embrace of the healer ascended master Jesus come to you to help you with:

  1. Improving your ability to concentrate during your meditations

  2. & While learning new subjects to increase your knowledge base

  3. Clear your heart center of any remaining fears around self-esteem and creativity

  4. Learn to feel your feelings to heal them Receive an activation from the pure loving consciousness of the Ascended Master Jesus and Merlin as well as the Archangels of the Light to help ground on to the planet and in your life pure divine love energies. As a bonus, this activation is said to help you concentrate not out of fear you may lack safety, but out of love. Welcome back to a world where we create + concentrate out of Love.WHEN: SUNDAY MAY 11 & WEDNESDAY MAY 14 GROUP 1: 7 AM PST/10AM EST / AUZ: 12AM Monday + Thursday Time Zone Converter and Countdown to Event& GROUP 2: 8 AM P.S.T/ 11 AM EST / AUZ: 1AM Monday + Thursday Time Zone Converter and Countdown to Event for Group 2 FEEDBACK FROM AUGUST 9TH’S ACTIVATION: “The activation was great, it started out exactly at time, I felt lighter at the beginning, and became aware of my chakras starting with the ones on the bottom. After a few minutes the chakra in the palm of my left hand got activated and hotter as the time went by, the whole experience lasted about 15 minutes. During the two days that followed the activation I felt more calm and balanced, the meridians opened up, became a bit cooler. Again thank you for sharing the energy it made a difference.” Ramzi.

WHERE: At a sacred site in PROVENCE, South of France HOW: Remotely! After 6+ years of doing distance energy healings and teaching others how to do it as well, I have seen the positive effects of energy healing with Ascended Masters and Angels. You do receive 2 activations for the price of one: one on Sunday and another on Wednesday. When you open up to receive help from your beloved angels and guides, miracles abound! They can come to you and activate parts of your light-body which need to be activated again in order to function properly. I can’t stress enough how important this activation could be for you. It is time to to reclaim the purest essence of who you truly are: a magnificent all loving being. Reclaim your heart and know that all will be well. You will be able to live and do as you please receiving approval and love from others around you.


What you could create if you had the ability to concentrate more easily?

Living more fully in the present from your open smiling heart?

Feeling divine love all day long, no more loneliness or sense of being alone in your purpose.

Manifesting magically from the heart and getting paychecks flowing towards you from God while traveling and living your life purpose?

We tend forget part of manifesting and creating really bright and beautiful content comes from our heart – but what happens if the old garbage in there keeps us from being able to focus, meditate and create?

My wish is this event shift lives for months and years to come.

What’s left??

…During the activation I felt such an overwhelming presence of love and a lightness all around me – I felt so very loved!! Danielle T. New York.

BONUS #1: A Clearing Meditation to warm up…

You will receive a free ‘Meditating with Angels’ recording for Friday May 9 2014 at 9 PM in your inbox. This is to prepare you for the activation on Sunday and on Wednesday!

Much magic coming your way!

BONUS #2: An energy reading

During the activation, I will look at your energy individually and give you an overall reading of what I see (if I am being shown something and I feel guided to come to you – depending on the number of people who sign up I may not be able to keep track of everyone but will do my best to deliver pertinent messages and information as I receive it later via email or a recording).

BONUS #3: Adventure into the 5 Pillars of Happiness

In 2009, the Angels brought me the 5 Pillars of Happiness to help all women (and men!) who felt let down by their beloved/jobs/children and didn’t feel supported by life itself, yet felt strongly guided to journey forward.

How to let go of the old support system and step on the new path with a new set of beliefs and self-confidence?

The pillars offer a new way of life to deal with overwhelming emotions and have become a guiding light out of the fog for myself and many more.

Since receiving the activation last summer 2013, I have experienced more ease being in my heart and a deeper understanding of the incredible wisdom and magic of the 5 Pillars. Using them, I was able to embrace a break up and experience more joy than I ever had raising my 2 year old by myself.

The 5 Pillars are the support and love I need to stay in my heart no matter the triggering circumstances around me because it’s from my heart the magic can happen. Without love, I don’t manifest ease or flow.

So what’s the bonus!? This activation is a requirement to join me for the 5 Pillars of Happiness Training Adventure later in the year. You wouldn’t be able to join the course without a hear activation. With an open heart chakra the magic of the 5 Pillars help us make major life shifts with ease and flow … and isn’t the goal behind all goals to experience more happiness, ease and flow in life?


Danielle Dove.

Price for the two activations + meditation + energy reading: Only $24

From Doreen Virtue’s book: Angel Numbers.

Q: What can I do to prepare for this activation?

A: Truly, you are already perfect and you don’t need to do anything to help you. Yet know the more issues/problems/questions you surrender to Jesus before the activation and throughout the 12 hours following, the more can be healed. I will put together a ‘Meditating with Angels’ recording for Friday May 9 2014 at 9 PM which you will receive in your inbox. This is to prepare you for the activation on Sunday and on Wednesday.

Q: What do you mean by surrender?

A: I mean to hand it over. Admit in your heart you need help with it. Pray about it. Trust in the angel’s ability to bring back the solution or take care of it completely. If your faith needs a boost, the fastest way is to share stories of encounters with angels or read about it in books by Doreen Virtue or Sophie Burnham.

Q: Why are you doing two more activations, isn’t one enough?

A: Yes, one would be enough but the more you receive, the easier you will live + meditate with heart centered concentration. It is similar to doing a cleanse. Doing one is good but two or three and you feel even better! I am also adding two more dates to channel the energies as much as I can to all participants who may join in at a later date.

Q: Do I have to be in meditation mode while receiving the activation?

A: Yes, it is recommended you are sitting on a chair, your back straight and focused on receiving the Divine Energy. It is in feeling the love that you will know it really worked for you. Pay attention to signs after you sign up and up until the activation, you may be guided to turn off the phone + television, go for walks, or attend spiritual circles. Whatever you feel nudged to start doing or stop doing, if you feel it might be hard to do, ask for help to follow through on the guidance. Remember you can ask for help for anything. Even to accomplish the very things you feel nudged to do!

Q: What if I can’t be present during the times listed, can I still sign up to receive the activation?

Yes you can join as the angels and I will do the activation for you but you will simply need to integrate the energies when you do have time to pause. That’s why I am recording a meditation: to guide you to receive the energy we sent you and consciously integrate it at a later time.

Q: What do you mean by the ascension of the planet?

A: The planet is also moving through an ascension process. We have been in the solar plexus for many decades, which represents the control and heightened sense of security in developed countries (you can now remote control most of your lives with video cameras, cell phones and security alarms). Many less developed countries are experiencing young adults rebelling to have more power and control over their lives and the decision process. This part of the ascension process is absolutely normal but it can get out of control if not enough souls are also moving into the heart center. The planet needs us to ground more into our heart and create from the heart. When we create from the heart, not only does our creations last over generations, but it also has the most impact on all who encounter it. Wouldn’t you want to create something that gives back to your grandchildren and beyond? Learn to create a life from your heart with heart centered concentration and you will add love and light to the planet for generations to come!

Q: Why does my heart chakra need to be activated?

A: You were most likely born with a heart chakra already active. It is the following years during your childhood and beyond that your heart may have been dis-activated due to pressure from parents and teachers to do what you were told to do. You may have been curious to explore your world, but were often told ‘don’t do that’. You may have known all along what you would love to do later in life, but were told or challenged to do something else. With all the difference voices in your heart from various people you do love, it is challenging to hear and recognize the truth of your heart. This heart chakra activation will ease your concentration so you can feel and know the truth when you meditate and when you are creating your life with spirit as your guide and helper.

Price for the two activations + meditation + energy reading: Only $24

Why + Where I received the activation:

Ask me more questions by emailing:

About Danielle Dove:


As a channel for the angelic realm, she uses her clairvoyant, clairaudient and claircognizant abilities to heal and restore her client’s chakras and belief system within the mind, all with the assistance of ascended masters and archangels. She reads soul blueprints, Akashic records and voice channels messages from Archangels and other guides to awaken the spiritual woman, man or children to their own divine truth, whatever the seeming difficulties in their lives.

She is originally from the South of France, where she grew up on a farm with all kinds of fun animals, including horses, ducks, pigs and cows. She moved to Southern California when she was 13 and earned her Bachelor Degree from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in Environmental Studies and Geography.

After the passing of 3 close family members, her curiosity for the mystical world and energy healing intensified. Through training and years of practice, she has become a talented energy healer and spiritual development coach.

She offers classes online at Happy Soul eSchool, HEALING DOVE THERAPY™ for Root Chakra Clearing to Heal Money and Survival Issues, and private sessions for individuals or groups to activate your light body.

Her philosophy + purpose in life is to love all + shine brightly until energy + intuition is recognized as a legitimate form of medicine and healing.

She comes from a long lineage of doctors and award winning medical researchers and knows this time around her purpose is to help intuitive energy healing to be recognized and also cherished for its powers on the mind, body and spirit.

If you want to follow her, join her mailing list and receive two free gifts as welcome gifts:

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heart chakra activation

For more information about Danielle Dove, please visit and receive Meditation Queen: Living It Manual, how to meditate all day to save time, eat less, communicate with the right words and use the elements of nature to release all feelings that cause inner turmoil. Thank you!

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