Before being healed?
My Dearest Shakers and Movers – You Planetarians looking for change within and around your world, this question is for you IF:
Your enthusiasm to improve your life drives you to buy more books than you have time to read and attend workshops every week-end
You love suggesting solutions to friends and family who share their problems with you
You have a deep knowing there is a natural way to heal dis-eases in yourself or others but aren’t sure exactly how
You also know there is a way to heal without pain and suffering
You aren’t sure how you came to know these truths, but they are a part of you.
You would love to spend more time in the world of healing and spirituality and possibly dream to make it your career but you believe you should first be ‘healed’ in order to do it .
My dearest Planetary Team-Mates
I have been incredibly lucky to share my light and spiritual gifts with many souls across oceans and continents by car, plane and train with and without my crystals and angel cards, in person and over the phone and telepathically…Along my very eclectic journey, I have learned two important truths:
healing others is possible
healing myself is ongoing
Should you wait to feel better and be ‘healed’ before becoming a healer? No. My dearest friends you do not. The healing happens for you even as you help others find their own frequency of peace.
Hang on… let me explain.
The first time I came face to face with this question I could no longer see my toes thanks to the bubbly baby in my belly who was due to greet me oh so soon. The person asking me this question was a kind soulful man who had signed up for my certification retreat. His doubt of becoming a ‘healer’ before being fully healed touched something really deep within me. I felt so powerless. This incredible genuine man was saying ‘no’ to his dream of healing others full time because he perceived himself not ‘healed’ enough’.
Truly I wished I had a wand that would shake every particle out of him that still doubted in his intuitive gift.
The only thing I could muster in response was genuine truth.
If I had ‘waited’ to be fully healed to begin sharing my soul’s gifts of healing I would have never touched and brought light and smiles to all the healing doves who took my training and all the ones who came to my meditation classes, and all the children who fall asleep clearing their chakras every night. I also wouldn’t have met my incredibly gorgeous hubby and our scrumptiously delicious healer of a baby.
So my dearest friend, If you have the deep soulful desire within to become an intuitive healer it must be because you have been healing yourself one way or another and you trust in something bigger than you, more divine than you, that is capable of healing others, too.
“Don’t I need more training?”
Of course you need some training to give you the pragmatic tools to open up to your soul’s gift of healing. But it is not the quantity of your training that really matters.
It is in the quality of your heart felt desire to heal others and be of service.
It is in your breath as you close your eyes to pray. It is in your heart your faith your all knowingness you are enough right now to be a healer.
With love,
Danielle Dove.
PS: Would you like to try healing yourself + others starting today? Slip on your meditation pjs and enjoy your free gift to the right – Living it Ebook is full of exercises to help you strengthen your intuition. Pick one and start living your spiritual gifts every day.
PSS: There’s a Part 2 over here: it’s OK to be healing as you heal others.

Thank you for beiing you